Feel free to kick off your shoes and read my "everyday" blog.
Blog addicts welcome.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I use Puncgh u ation wen I wryt sentesiz!?.@";=+8*&
Just like Catherine's belly button puffs out and when you push it in it wiggles. I will make your face wiggles.
U will hav nooo teeth!!1

The Adventures of Caden

Coke-a-roch                                                                                                                                                       Caden (5):  Mom, I see a cokearoch!!  Mom:  It's called a cockroach :)
We all burst out laughing.
China Hole Egg
Mom, I'm gonna dig in my china hole and bring you back a China egg! Okay! Mom rolls eyes.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The cool kids

c: constipated
o: over-weighted
o: out of style
l: loser

On bus #3:

Andrea talking to Caityln. Says to Preston: you are so stupid! (Andrea is black. Hope that offended you donkey!) Preston: Says the girl w/ blue beads in her hair!!  Adashia: (black also) Uh her hair is not blue uh it is brown uh scuuuuse me!! (she annoys me the most she is a new kid and she thinks she is all that) (plus Caitlyn goes to my chuch. Now even church is a nightmare!!) haha Aspen (my step sis) has Caitlyn's contact in her phone. We prank called her and said: This is 911 calling for caitlyn. She is required for juvenile detention. To make arrangements with us please return this call to: ------- Judge Brown.

She thought it was real!! we used a recorded voice accent also. I'll bet that probly doesn't even make sense.

Good evening idiots!! :)

Had pizza for dinner and then sneaked a few cookies......
Mom and Caden went to the sweetheart ball. I tried to sneak into the car but she caught me. We started talking and then she turned the radio on and Caden busted some moves! I went inside and watched Carson play his PSP for a while and then I came and got on my blog. And started typing. whew! I dont know this is just a random post. I was bored.  okay were gonna play charades. What am I?  8)       A: cool dude     What am I? <()       A: penguin   What am I? (^^^)     A:  shark      okay now back to the post:
And now I'm still typing. TOP SECRET: Murphy news is starting a contest on Jan 30th. Whoever wins gets a free stink bomb. deadline is Feb 10th. Good luck!!

I Beileive I can Fly

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zv1zjoM75e8" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

The Fam

Me, Mom, Dad, Amber, Aspen, Shelby, Maddy, Carson, Caden, Calie
10, 42, 47, 27, 9, 6, 1, 8, 5, 20
me   mom   dad   step-mom   step-sis   step-sis   sis   bro   bro   sis

Love Quotes

Love is like a moutain that is hard to climb but when you get to the top it is beatiful..

Love is the closest thing we have to magic.

Love..If you have it you don't need anything else... and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.

If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it's yours. If it doesn't it never was.